Water bills are anticipated to rise in the same way energy bills have.
Globally water is considered the next ‘hot topic’ as drought and floods destroy food crops, communities and disrupt supply chains. Building resilience in response to water volatility locally and globally is good business.
Glasgow City Council saved £54,000 by better water management in just 2 schools, fixing leaks and installing low-flow measures

Did You Know?
Although often overlooked, water also has an impact on your net zero plan due to the carbon emissions associated with pumping and treatment.
As such, all businesses should:
Implement a flood resilience plan - a fantastic overview of flood risk and planning can be found here.
Implement an Environmental Management System (EMS) which includes Water - here’s an example toolkit. IEMA highlights the ROI and carbon saving from SME EMS.
Consider urban greening measures that could reduce their risk of flooding, increase biodiversity and reduce air pollution. Join the SBN project to Green Guildford.
Larger businesses should also have:
A water management plan
Flood resilience infrastructure such as rainwater gardens and other Sustainable Urban Drainage (SuDs).
Maximise Your Water Saving Impact

Just like energy, you can reduce your business water bill with the best deal from ANY of the 19 business water suppliers in England. You can either go direct to the supplier OR via a third party through these recommended steps to switch. There are some useful tips for any cold calls you might recieve.

Get a water meter fitted for FREE. Only pay for what you actually use, help find leaks quicker, get data for your carbon footprint, and save money for properties that use less than their rateable value (what the water company thinks you will use).

Apply for a free water meter via your existing business water supplier SES Business or Castle Water if you haven’t already switched away from the default suppliers. If operating from a home premises, apply via SES Water or Thames Water, depending on your location. (To check whether a water meter will have money at home, here’s a home calculator.)
Play leak detective. A leaky tap or toilet can add £300 a year to your water bill.
Pop a water displacement devise in large toilet cisterns - you can buy a hippo or save-a-flush bag or DIY
Switch to aerating taps and showerheads - they feel like more water but use less
Install a water butt to harvest water and feed your green spaces - rainwater is better for plants and helps with urban greening benefits
Upskill your team on only using what you need - turning off the taps when washing up, not using the toilet as a bin, four-minute showers etc.
Life on earth depend son water. It is a key part of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Your business can play its part in protecting this vital resource.

With drought frequency & intensity set top rise proper water conservation is vital for drinking & sanitation

Collapse in marine and river ecosystems will have a devastating effect on food chains and supply

The knock on impact of unhealthy aquatic ecosystems put life on land at very real threat